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BACKGROUND: Native to Asia and Africa, several cultivars of cogongrass are grown as ornamentals. It is an aggressive weed of forests, roadsides, and disturbed areas, and is tolerant of a wide variety of growing conditions. The plant is highly flammable and fire tolerant. Cogongrass is a designated federal noxious weed.Â

DESCRIPTION: A perennial rhizomatous grass that can grow over 4 feet tall. The plant is yellowish-green, sometimes changing to red in autumn. It grows in dense patches and reproduces by seed and segmented, sharp- tipped, scaly rhizomes. Fragmented rhizomes can easily generate new plants. Leaves have a dominant off-centered whitish vein. Cogongrass produces silky white flower heads in spring.

CONTROL: This plant is not known to be in Utah outside of ornamental gardens. Do not buy cogongrass from nurseries.